01/06/2024 - 15:10:14
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IPIM’s President Jackson Chang with Director General of Xiamen Municipal Bureau of Convention & Exhibition Affarirs Jeoven Wong and the delegation at IPIM (6 July 2017)


IPIM’s Executive Director Irene V. K. Lau with Vice General-Director of the Fujian Provincial Department of Commerce Huang Dezhi and the delegation at IPIM (19 June 2017)


IPIM’s Executive Director Irene V. K. Lau attends the opening ceremony of the Macau International Innovation Festival (5 June 2017)


IPIM’s Executive Director Gloria Ung with Standing Committee Member and Head of the United Front Work Department of CPC Hangzhou Municipal Committee Tong Gulli and the delegation at IPIM (13 June 2017)


IPIM’s Executive Director Gloria Ung with Deputy Director General of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Song Haijun and the delegation at IPIM (12 June 2017)


Training Course on Practical Issues for Macao Chain Stores and Franchise Businesses – Utilizing Emerging Retailing Models to Leverage Marketing and Management, co-organised by IPIM and the Macao Chain Stores and Franchise Association (12-13 July 2017)

本局與澳門連鎖加盟商會合辦「澳門連鎖加盟實戰課程 – 利用『新零售』模式改善中小企營銷管理」

President of Exporters Union of the CPLP (Community of Portuguese-speaking Countries) Mário Costa and the delegation visit the Portuguese-speaking Countries Food Products Exhibition Centre (10 July 2017)


IPIM sets up a Macao Pavilion at the 15th China Cross-Straits Technology and Projects Fair (18-21 June 2017)

(2017年6月18 -21日)

IPIM sets up a Macao Pavilion at the 6th Guangzhou International Food & Ingredients Fair (14-17 June 2017)

(2017年6月14 -17日)

IPIM sets up a Macao Pavilion at the 20th China Chongqing International Investment and Global Sourcing Fair (CCISF) (22-25 June 2017)

(2017年6月22 -25日)

A group of around 26 students from Portugal, Brasil and Cape Verde, organized by Macao Polytechnic Institute (MPI) visit the Portuguese-speaking Countries Food Products Exhibition Centre (21 June 2017)
