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You are here: Home Services Temporary Residency Application for Temporary Residency Assessment CriteriaAssessment Criteria for Renewal and Extension to Family Dependent

Assessment Criteria for Renewal and Extension to Family Dependent

1. Maintenance of the legal status crucial to the approval of the temporary residency during the term of validity of temporary residency in Macao

  • During the term of validity of temporary residency in Macao, applicant must maintain the legal status crucial to the approval of the temporary residency. Applicants as “management and/or technical personnel” must work in Macao on a continuous basis; applicants under the category of “major investment/major investment plan” must carry out the investment plan, employ a reasonable number of staff, and lawfully operate the business on a continuous basis (assessment will be made according to actual implementation situation of the investment); people who are granted temporary residency on the grounds of investment in “real estate” must maintain the proprietorships which was/were declared in the application , or no less than 51% shares of local enterprise(s) (if applicable or fixed deposit (if applicable) on a continuous basis.
  • In the light of Paragraphs 3 and 4 under Article 18 of Administrative no.3/2005, in the event there are any changes to the status of identity or grounds for application during the application procedure or the term of validity of the temporary residency, the applicant concerned must notify IPIM in written form within 30 days since the relevant changes take place. Failing to fulfil this obligation without providing reasonable explanation will result in revocation of temporary residency approval.
  • The changes mentioned above include changes of status of identity, such as divorce, change of de facto marriage, adoption of children; changes of grounds for application, including a) renewal of employment contract, change of position/employer, downward revision of salary, being put on unpaid leave, or other changes for “management and technical with special qualifications”; b) status change of investment for temporary residency based on “major investment / major investment plan”; c) change of real estate ownership status, increase of mortgage, change in fixed deposit amounting to MOP 500,000 or above, change of investment in enterprises with no less than 51% shares.
  • It must be emphasised that an applicant must maintain the legal status crucial to the approval of the temporary residency if his/her family dependent(s) has/have not resided in Macao for seven consecutive years, even though this applicant has already obtained the permanent identity card of the Macao SAR. Failing to fulfil this obligation will bring about disadvantages to the temporary residency of the family dependent(s).

2. Situation, security and demands of the Macao SAR

Detailed information is provided in the assessment criteria for temporary residency applications under the categories “management and technical personnel” and “major investment / major investment plan” published on IPIM’s website:https://www.ipim.gov.mo/en/investment-residency/temporary-residence-permit-application/assessment-criteria/ .