27/07/2024 - 05:11:25
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World Association of Investment Promotion Agencies (WAIPA)

The World Association of Investment Promotion Agencies (WAIPA) was established in 1995 and currently its operational office is situated in Geneva, Switzerland, as a non-governmental organization. The membership of the Association is open to investment promotion entities from all the countries and regions. There are currently about 120 institutional members coming from more than 100 countries and regions around the world. 

To promote and develop understanding and co-operation amongst IPAs; to strengthen information collection, promote the efficient use of information and facilitate access to data sources; to share country and regional experiences in attracting foreign investment and enhancing outward investments; to assist IPAs in advising their respective governments on the formulation of appropriate investment promotion policies and strategies; to facilitate access to technical assistance and promote training of IPAs.


Relation between IPIM (i.e.Commerce and Investment Promotion Institute)  and WAIPA
The Macao Trade and Investment Promotion Institute (i.e.Commerce and Investment Promotion Institute)  officially joined the World Association of Investment Promotion Agencies (WAIPA) in 2005. Throughout the years, IPIM has actively participated in the annual meetings of the Association and the training programs related to foreign direct investment, striving to maintain connection and communication with the investment promotion agencies and business entities around the world in order to acquire the latest economic and trade information for the local industries, for analysing the global economic trends and the tendency for industry re-structuring and investment and also for facilitating foreign investment to Macao in an orderly manner, and more importantly, for introducing and promoting, via this international linkage, the investment and business environment of Macao and its unique advantages as the platform between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries, and also the various large-scale exhibitions and economic and trade events organised or co-organised by IPIM.




*with reference to the latest information available on the website of WAIPA in January 2021.
