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You are here: Home Services Temporary Residency Application for Temporary Residency Application Procedures and Guidelines Documents Required for Temporary Residency ApplicationRequired documents for temporary residency (new, renewal and family dependent extension) application based on major investment / major investment plan

Required documents for temporary residency (new, renewal and family dependent extension) application based on major investment / major investment plan

Part 1 – Information of applicant / family dependent(s)


  1. Identification document
    • Chinese nationals: the original and two copies (for new application) / a copy (for renewal application) of Chinese Passport (pages showing personal information, remarks and signature of the holder must be included). Pursuant to Paragraph 5 under Article 31 of Administrative Regulation 38/2021, IPIM may request document(s) issued by the authority from Mainland China approving the applicant’s application for residency in the Macao SAR, and documents certifying that the applicant’s residence in ananother country/region for at least two years prior to the Macao residency application, and residency documents issued by the authority of the country/region in which the applicant resided prior to the application. Applicants who submit residence documents issued by the Republic of the Gambia, the Republic of Guinea-Bissau, or the Republic of Vanuatu must also submit the residence documents certified by the ministry of foreign affairs and the Chinese embassy of the country in which the applicants previously lived. (only applicable to new applications).
    • HKSAR residents
      a.  Original and two copies (for new application) / a copy (for renewal application) of the HKSAR Permanent Identity Card (both sides are to be copied on the same side of the page)and HKSAR Passport;
      b.  Original and two copies (for new application) / a copy (for renewal application) of the HKSAR Document of Identity for Visa Purposes (DIVP); and HKSAR Identity Card (both sides are to be copied on the same side of the page);
    • Nationals of other countries/regions: Original and two copies (for new application) / a copy (for renewal application) of the passport (pages showing personal information and signature of the holder must be included)
  2. Certificate of criminal record:
    • (Original) Certificate of criminal record issued by the empowered authority(-ies) of the country of applicant’s nationality or of the issuing place of other identification documents within the last six months (this document is required for new application only, verification by embassy’s stamp is required for digital copy)(If this document is issued in China, it must be notarized at the notary office), and the (original) certificate of criminal record issued by the Macao Identification Bureau with three months validity. (Applicants who have already been granted permanent residency are not required to submit the abovementioned documents.)
  3. Proof of Macao address (document whereon states applicant’s name and proving the accuracy of the provided address, e.g. water/electricity bill; if it is a Macao domicile address, applicant should provide document(s) proving the right of use of the place, such as a property registration certificate or a lease contract).
  4. (Original and copy of) MSAR Permanent/ Non-Permanent Resident Identity Card (only required for renewal / family dependent extension application) (Applicants who have already been granted permanent residency are not required to submit the identification documents of their original countries/regions.)
  5. If the applicant is out of Macao often after being granted temporary residency, this applicant must submit written document explaining the reason, time and frequency of his/her leaves.

Spouse or common-law spouse

  1. Identification document (please refer to the requirements set out in 5.2.1 (1) above)
  2. Proof of marriage
    • In the event the marriage is registered in Mainland China, the applicant should submit the original notarised certificate of marriage issued within the past six months (which states the names and dates of birth of the applicant and his/her spouse, the time and location of the marriage registration, and recent photo of the couple).
    • Applicants having registered their marriage in other countries/regions should submit the proof of marriage (original and copy);
    • If the marriage of the applicant and his/her spouse is not the first marriage of the couple, the applicant or his/spouse must submit divorce certificate of his/her previous marriage.
    • The following documents are required in the event the applicant is in de facto marriage:
      a.  (Original) Declaration proving that the applicant and his/her common-law spouse have voluntarily co-cohabited in a way similar to married couple for more than two years. This declaration must be signed by two witnesses aged 18 or above to verify the contents and the signatures must be notarised on-site by empowered authority.
      b.  (Copy of) Identification documents (with holder’s signature) of the abovementioned two witnesses.
      c.  (Original) Marriage record of applicant and his/her common-law spouse issued by the country of the applicant’s nationality.
      d.  (Copy of) Other documentary proofs substantiating the de facto marriage of the applicant and his/her common-law spouse.
  3. State of matrimony declaration (available on IPIM’s website: https://www.ipim.gov.mo/en/services/investment-residency/forms-to-download/)
  4. Certificate of criminal record (please refer to the requirement relevant to certificate of criminal record in 5.2.1 (2) above)
  5. (Original and copy of) MSAR Non-Permanent Identity Card (applicable to renewal application only)
  6. If an applicant’s spouse or common law spouse is working in Macao, relevant proof must be submitted (e.g. employment verification statement). Also, the requirement of 5.2.1 (5) above is applicable.

Descendants aged below 18

  1. Identification document (please refer to the requirements set out in 5.2.1 (1) above. Hong Kong residents applicants who are unable to provide Hong Kong permanent ID are allowed to submit their HKSAR Re-entry Permit)
  2. Birth certificate
    The following documents are not required for renewal applications, except for adoption and custody documents.
    • People born in Mainland China:
      a.  (Original and copy of) Notarised birth certificate (which states the name of the family dependent, his/her parents’ name, place and date of birth).
      b.  Original and notarised copy of the applicant and his/her family dependents’ household registration.
      c.  Original and notarised copy of birth certificate issued by hospital.
    • Nationals of other countries/regions: (original and copy of) birth certificate
    • If the legal relationship of the minor child and the applicant is established by means of adoption, the whole set of documents detailing the adoption covered by the relevant Adoption Law in the place of adoption should be submitted (including certificate of adoption issued by empowered authority (-ies) within 6 months, the certified original copy of the adoption registration and Certificate of Adoption, and document proving that the adoption remains unchanged up to present).
    • If the parents of the minor child have been divorced or the minor child is a natural child, the applicant does not have to submit proof of marriage. But he/she must submit a divorce certificate and a court adjudication of divorce, as well as the certificate of custody order for the minor child issued by relevant authorities within 6 months(original and copy).
  3. Certificate of criminal record (family dependents aged 16 or above must submit certificate of criminal record, please refer to the requirements set out in 5.2.1 (2) above, and the certificate of criminal record issued by the authority of the last residence for the last two years)
  4. (Original and copy of) MSAR Non-Permanent Identity Card (required for renewal applications only)
  5. If an applicant’s descendent(s) is/are studying in Macao, relevant proof must be submitted (e.g. student card). Also, the requirement of 5.2.1 (5) above is applicable.

* All applications require a recent colour photograph with plain white background of the interested party

Part 2: Documents related to grounds for application

* Documents (2) – (15) relevant to grounds for application are required for renewal and family dependent extension applications.

  1. (Original and copy of) “Business Tax – New Registration Form (Form M/1)” (if applicable).
  2. (Original) Business Registration Certificate issued within the past three months.
  3. (Original and copy of) Share certificate.
  4. (Original and copy of) Documents related to financial strength, such as bank balance certificate, passbook, monthly statement, loan statement

For company having operated for a year or above, the following supporting documents are accepted:

  1. (Original and copy of) Financial statement audited by a Macao registered accountant (applicant is required to submit financial statement annual if the application is approved)[1];
  2. (Original and copy of) Past “Business Tax Demand Notice (Form M/8)” ;
  3. (Original and copy of) Profits Tax –Incomes Declaration – Group A (Form M/1)” ;
  4. (Original and copy of) Past List of Employees / Part-timers (Form M3/M4) ;
  5. (Original and copy of)Past Payment Advice of Contributions of the Obligatory System;
  6. (Original and copy of) Ownership documents empowering the utilisation of relevant business establishment(s) (e.g. lease contract, preliminary sales agreement, property registration certificate).;
  7. (Original) Photos of business establishment(s) (showing all different spaces of the establishments;

Additional documents (if applicable):

  1. (Original and copy of) Notification of Taxable Income Assessment (Form M/5)” and “Profits Tax Demand Notice (Form M/6)” ;
  2. (Original and copy of) Valid operation licence(s) ;
  3. (Original and copy of) Proofs of operation, such as received orders, business agreements signed or to be signed, photos and catalogue(s) of products;
  4. (Original and copy of) Product approval / authentication documents, service procedure standardisation certifications, CEPA-related approval.

Part 3 – Other supporting documents

(Applicable to new applications. If changes have taken place before renewal and/or family dependent extension applications, the following supporting documents are required)

  1. (Original of) Applicant’s written statement on the uniqueness of his/her major investment major investment project in Macao and relevant supporting documents.

[1] According to which Taxpayer Group am applicant’s company is in, IPIM will request the applicant to submit a financial statement for the previous fiscal year audited by a Macao registered accountant and the Profits Tax – Income Declaration filed at the Economic Bureau. Relevant requirements are as follow: (1) Group A Taxpayer (Anonymous companies with limited liability, joint stock companies with limited liability and cooperatives; Companies of any nature, with individual interests separated from those of the shareholders, having capital of not less than $1,000,000 Patacas or average taxable profits in the past three consecutive years not less than $500,000 Patacas; Other individuals or collective persons with appropriately compiled accounting records and intend to opt for inclusion in this category): between April and June every year; (2) Group B Taxpayer (all taxpayers who are not in the ambit of Group A Taxpayer): between January and March every year. In addition, IPIM will also notify eligible applicants via official letters, reminding them about which documents are required for annual inspection and applicants’ obligations.