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You are here: HomePortuguese Speaking Countries News[2019-02-28] China’s new ambassador to Brazil proposes long-term food supply contracts

[2019-02-28] China’s new ambassador to Brazil proposes long-term food supply contracts

Source: Macauhub

China plans to increase its presence in Brazil’s food processing sector and sign security control agreements that will allow for bilateral long-term supply contracts, said the new Chinese ambassador to Brazil.

Yang Wanming, who attended a meeting with businesspeople and government officials promoted by Lide China (Business Leaders Group) in São Paulo, said in his presentation that China is also interested in opportunities in infrastructure projects and in the oil refining sector.

“The two countries should foster trade flows, cooperate to liberalise and facilitate trade and expand mutual access to markets,” he said.

The ambassador said that the agricultural sector is an important part of the bilateral trade relationship and it was in the interest of both nations to establish a long-term partnership with mutual gains.

In office for two months, the ambassador said he had already been received by President Jair Bolsonaro and some of the ministers to whom he conveyed China’s interest in deepening financial and trade cooperation.

Brazil has been China’s largest trading partner since 2009, with trade in 2018 exceeding more than US$110 billion, with Chinese exports worth US$33.73 billion and Brazilian exports of US$77.07 billion.