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General Procedures to Set-Up a Company

Procedure Method/Location Requriements
1. Application for trade name Commercial Registry Office Fill in the required form with the proposed name, and a clear definition of the objectives of the company
2. Memorandum and Articles of Association (within 60 days of obtaining trade name) Notarial contract or individual contract confirmed by a public or private notary According to type of company and legal requirements in force
3. Registration of the company (within 15 days of signing of the memorandum) Commercial Registry Office A. Letter of Application
B. Memorandum & Articles of Association
C. List of shareholders’ names and copies of ID
D. List of names of the Administrative Board
E. Letter of Appointment of Administrative Board
F. Certificate of Admissibility of Trade Name
4. Declaration of commencement of Operations Department of Finance Services A. Two Completed Industrial Tax Form (Form M1) with the notorized signature and a copy of the shareholder’s ID
B. Copy of Certificate of registration issued by Commercial Registry Office
C. Copy of the Memorandum and Articles of Association
D. List of shareholders’ and Administrative Board names & copies of ID

IPIM’s Investor Service Department can provide assistance at no charge.