“EC Smart” Database
The information in this Database (Website: https://www.ipim.gov.mo/en/ec-smart/ec-smart/) is for reference only and is not a complete list of operating companies in the relevant industry in Macao. The Commerce and Investment Promotion Institute (hereafter abbreviated to IPIM) has the right to replace, add or modify the content provided through the above website or modify its appearance and settings at any time without prior notice. The website will indicate the date of last update.
The contents in this Database were provided to Commerce and Investment Promotion Institute by the relevant service providers. It does not mean that the service provider has in any way obtained any recommendation, guarantee, recognition, certification or commitment expressed or implied by Commerce and Investment Promotion Institute.
While every effort is made to maximise the accuracy and reliability of the information provided by the service provider, Commerce and Investment Promotion Institute does not guarantee such information is totally accurate and reliable. Therefore, Commerce and Investment Promotion Institute shall not be held liable to any damage or loss derived from the use of this database, and all related matters arising from accessing other websites via the electronic links in this database.
If there is any discrepancy between the Chinese, English and Portuguese versions of this disclaimer, the Chinese version shall prevail.