20/09/2024 - 02:58:19
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Mission & Objectives

IPIM, whose main responsibilities are attracting investment, assisting companies in exploring new markets, promoting the development of the convention and exhibition industry, promoting economic and commercial exchange and cooperation between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries, and supporting the Permanent Secretariat of the Forum for Economic and Trade Co-operation between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries (Macao), among others.

The duties of IPIM include:

  • To carry out studies and support the Macao Special Administrative Region, hereinafter referred to as the MSAR, in defining investment attraction policies and implementing investment attraction measures, presenting proposals for improving the investment attraction environment and actively supporting the development of industries;
  • To publicise and promote investment opportunities and the business environment in the MSAR, strengthen trade links between the MSAR and abroad and actively engage in attracting business and investment from abroad;
  • To provide support services to investors in the implementation of their investment plans in the MSAR, namely the provision of market information and co-ordination with the respective services in the resolution of problems encountered during the investment process;
  • To promote liaison and co-operation between companies in the MSAR and potential investors from abroad;
  • To promote the development of the convention and exhibition industry, providing reports and proposals on strategies, measures and policies relating to this development;
  • To promote and foster activities aimed at implementing policies for the development of the convention and exhibition industry, to encourage convention and exhibition organisers to organise convention and exhibition events in the MSAR, and to provide them with support;
  • To organise and invite companies to take part in economic and trade exhibitions, forums, meetings and international conventions held in the MSAR or abroad, as well as providing them with support;
  • To study commercial opportunities and potential markets, and to support and promote MSAR companies in expanding their business and markets abroad;
  • To support and encourage the participation of MSAR companies in product promotional activities, promoting trade in goods and services, as well as providing them with support;
  • To support the Permanent Secretariat of the Forum for Economic and Trade Co-operation between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries (Macao), and to provide it with the necessary resources;
  • To promote the implementation of economic policies within the scope of development and trade co-operation between China and Portuguese-speaking countries, as well as promoting economic and trade exchanges and co-operation between China and Portuguese-speaking countries;
  • To promote the role of the MSAR as a Service Platform for Trade Co-operation between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries;
  • To exchange and co-operate, within the scope of its duties, with public services, public or private entities in the MSAR or abroad, and to enter into agreements and protocols;
  • To carry out any other duties legally conferred upon it.

*If there is any difference in the English translation, kindly please refer to the Chinese or Portuguese version.