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You are here: HomeUncategorized[2018/12/28] Discreetness and Transparency Enhanced in the New Assessment Standard of Investment Project Recruitment for Guangdong-Macao Co-operation Industrial Park Representatives of Industries and Professional Sectors Join the Assessment Committee

[2018/12/28] Discreetness and Transparency Enhanced in the New Assessment Standard of Investment Project Recruitment for Guangdong-Macao Co-operation Industrial Park Representatives of Industries and Professional Sectors Join the Assessment Committee

From 31 Dec this year, Macao enterprises can apply for implementing investment projects in the Guangdong-Macao Co-operation Industrial Park. In the new recruitment phase, there will be no deadline for application and applications will be accepted until the total area of the Park has all been allocated. Eligible and Macao corporate body / natural person commercial entrepreneurs intending to invest in the Park can submit applications to the Macao Trade and Investment Promotion Institute pursuant to the “Application Guidelines on Intended Investment Projects in the Guangdong-Macao Co-operation Industrial Park on Hengqin Island”. The assessment will be carried out by the Assessment Committee for the Macao Projects for Hengqin Development, which composes of government officials from both Macao and Hengqin, representatives from industries and professional sectors. Qualified investments will be recommended to the Park by the Macao SAR Government.

IPIM’s Executive Director Agostinho Vong Vai Lon introduced the application assessment mechanism, assessment criteria and application guidelines at the press conference today (28 Dec).

According to Mr Agostinho Vong Vai Lon, in the first round of investment recruitment in 2013, the main considerations for the assessments were “whether the project satisfies the priority considerations for recommendation to the Guangdong-Macao Co-operation Industrial Park”, “capability of the applicant/enterprise/investor” and “feasibility analysis of the investment project”. In the new phase of investment recruitment, the project assessment mechanism has been enhanced with improvements made on the existing assessment criteria.  It aims to select and recommend with precision quality projects. Therefore, the new phase of investment recruitment will attach greater importance to the industrial elements, capability of investor and project feasibility, as well as the project’s relevance to the moderate diversification of Macao’s economic development. The investments will also be required to be implemented in Macao to a certain extent. In addition, in order to enhance the transparency of assessment standard, the detailed assessment criteria have been published on IPIM’s official website. Applicants can collect all required documents and information according to the Application Guidelines on Intended Investment Projects in the Guangdong-Macao Co-operation Industrial Park on Hengqin Island.

The newly formed Assessment Committee for the Macao Projects for Hengqin Development will be the core mechanism of the recommendation task. The Assessment Committee consists of 15 members in total, including six Macao government officials from economic and finance, social and culture, transportation and public works domains, six representatives from the Administrative Committee of the Hengqin New Area and Zhuhai, as well as three representatives from Macao’s industries and professional sectors. Abiding by the abstention mechanism and confidentiality obligations to ensure the impartiality and confidentiality of the assessment, the Assessment Committee will be in charge of the project assessment. A collaborative work group will be set up under the management of both Macao and Hengqin to handle the works of the secretariat. The Assessment Committee will conduct independent assessment in compliance with the assessment criteria. Only the projects that are endorsed by at least two thirds of the Assessment Committee members will be deemed qualified for recommendation, which is more discreet compared with the assessment in the previous phase of investment recruitment.

Macao enterprises or investors interested in investing in the Guangdong-Macao Co-operation Industrial Park can submit application on the 19th floor of China Civil Plaza at Alameda Dr. Carlos D’Assumpção No.263, or on the 4th floor of World Trade Centre Macau at Avenida da Amizade No. 918 after making reservation. For enquiries, please call 2872 8328 or refer to the application guidelines and relevant information on IPIM’s website www.ipim.gov.mo.