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You are here: HomePortuguese Speaking Countries News[2020-04-07] China finances remodelling of the Cabo Verde National Auditorium

[2020-04-07] China finances remodelling of the Cabo Verde National Auditorium

Source: Macauhub

The redevelopment of the Cabo Verde National Auditorium, in the capital Praia, is being financed by China, and the completion of the first phase is planned for the end of June, said the director-general for Arts and Creative Industries of the Ministry of Culture.

Adilson Gomes also told Portuguese news agency Lusa that the auditorium is undergoing in-depth remodelling, and will be able to host projects from across the Cabo Verdean artistic community.

“The work essentially involves the installation of a new air conditioning system and the refurbishment of two rooms on the first floor, which in the future may have several uses, and this work has already been completed and is operational,” said the government official, stating that the refurbishment will also cover replacement of the seats.

The work is being financed by China, within the framework of cooperation with Cabo Verde, according to the director for the arts and creative industries, without providing details of the cost of the work.

The National Auditorium, located in the centre of the capital, is one of the country’s main theatres and is one of the buildings built by China in Cabo Verde, which includes the National Library, the palaces of the Government and the National Assembly and the National Stadium.