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Columns for Portuguese-speaking Countries Information

How far do I have to travel to the islands?
A flight from Lisbon, Portugal to the Azores takes about 2.5 hours.

The Azores were formed by volcanic activity and are made up of nine main islands. Therefore, the Azores are a collection of volcanic features. Each island has its own unique beautiful landscape. It has been named one of the world’s best islands for tourism by National Geographic Travel Magazine and is a hidden paradise on the western part of European continent.


Happy “employed” dairy cows of the Azores
We have heard a lot about Portugal, but I wonder if you have heard of the Azores in Portugal?

A hidden paradise
The Azores are in the Atlantic Ocean, about 1,600 km from the Portuguese mainland.

Happy “employed” dairy cows
In addition to the seafood that can be found everywhere in the Azores, cows are also very popular on the islands.

Why are Azores dairy products so popular?
Cows are everywhere in the archipelago, to put it in a nutshell: There are more cows than human here! Thanks to the Atlantic rains and the warm ocean currents all year round that “favour” the islands, the Azores are blessed with a mild climate, dense vegetation, and grasslands are evergreen throughout the year. The pastures are scattered, which provide a highly favourable environment for cattle. In addition, the soil of the Azores is of volcanic origin. The soil is rich in selenium, a naturally occurring trace element, which is really beneficial to the growth of cows.

The cows that “work” in the Azores are not confined by sheds. Instead, they live freely in a natural, unpolluted environment, enjoying fresh air, juicy pasture and nourishing dew all year round, wandering in nature’s pastures.

The high nutritional value of the milk produced in such a comfortable and privileged environment is self-evident. It is no wonder that the cows on the islands are humorously referred to as “the happiest cows on earth”. Pou Kong Ieng says he also dreams of having such a great life too!

The favourable climatic conditions and the excellent natural environment have made the Azores Islands stand out as one of the most favourable regions for dairy production in Portugal and have given rise to a number of excellent dairy companies.