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This Issue’s Topical Story

IPIM Facilitates Project Execution through Improving the Investor’s “One-stop Service”

Through the Investor’s “One-stop Service”, the Macao Trade and Investment Promotion Institute (IPIM) assigns personnel to provide support and assistance, and offers convenient services to investors in Macao during their project implementation, facilitating the implementation of their business in the city.

To intensify efforts to attract investments and introduce more projects to the city that are conducive to the moderate economic diversification of Macao and promote economic recovery, starting from the third quarter of 2020, IPIM has further improved the Investor’s “One-stop Service” by adding “prior technical meetings” and reinforcing interdepartmental co-operation of the government to reduce the time spent in the implementation of investment projects. IPIM has also assigned designated personnel to continuously follow up on implemented investment projects in a bid to build Macao as an ideal place where investors can quickly launch and effectively maintain businesses.

From the third quarter of last year to date, IPIM has organised over 30 “prior technical meetings”. Representatives of some of the medical enterprises and tea beverage enterprises from Mainland China who attended the meetings agree that such arrangements helped them get a clearer idea of the various requirements before project execution and believe that interdepartmental meetings facilitated the implementation of their project and expedited its execution.

Designated personnel following up on investors’ investment plans in Macao

From the beginning of 2020 to the second quarter of 2021, the Investor’s “One-stop Service” has followed up on a total of 402 new investment projects and assisted 294 enterprises to start business in Macao. The investment projects cover key industries such as big health, modern finance, high and new technology, conventions and exhibitions, business and trade, and culture.

Learning everything needed via the “prior technical meeting” before project implementation 

Before implementation, the personnel assigned by IPIM will assist investors in applying for licences and provide adequate information on Macao’s business environment, business incorporation formalities, and consultation services in regards to taxation and commercial legislation. Addressing the actual situation, IPIM will organise “prior technical meetings” for investors and licencing departments, and give professional advices to investors on technical problems they may encounter, and clarify the relevant administrative procedures, thereby expediting the implementation progress.


During implementation, intensifying the role of “Investment Committee” to reduce investors’ time cost

The Investor’s “One-stop Service” has strengthened the interdepartmental co-operation of the Investment Committee that comprises 12 government departments and institutions, namely IPIM, the Municipal Affairs Bureau, the Economic and Technological Development Bureau, the Financial Services Bureau, the Labour Affairs Bureau, the Macao Government Tourism Office, the Land, Public Works and Transport Bureau, the Monetary Authority of Macao, the Health Bureau, the Fire Services Bureau, the Environmental Protection Bureau, and the Macau Productivity and Technology Transfer Centre. During the implementation process, the service helps to clarify the administrative procedures required for project commencement and execution, provide specific suggestions to investors and save them from submitting the same application documents to different government departments, thereby reducing the time and enhancing efficiency. Representatives of hotel enterprises agree that the “Investment Committee” mechanism can help them handle problems encountered during project execution within a short time, thereby shortening the time for the execution of investment projects.


Regular follow-up on implemented investment projects

When the project is in operation, the personnel assigned by IPIM will follow up, evaluate and learn about the operations and provide assistance to meet their actual needs for further development in Macao, such as business expansion and market exploration. IPIM will also help organise business matching sessions with local enterprises, initiate more business negotiations with local SMEs and expedite the establishment of business connections with the local market to increase investors’ sense of attainment in implementing the project.

When the city was under the impact of pandemic, IPIM helped a local medical enterprise obtain the licence for face mask production within five months. In the meantime, through business matching, IPIM successfully facilitated the face mask sales contract between the company and some of the local large hotel resorts.

For enquiries, please contact IPIM’s staff members by calling (853) 2872 8328 or sending an email to onestopservice@ipim.gov.mo. For more information, please visit IPIM’s website at www.ipim.gov.mo.

Designated IPIM personnel following up investment projects in Macao