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You are here: HomePortuguese Speaking Countries News[2021-11-16] China, UNDP rebuilds storm-damaged Mozambican infrastructure

[2021-11-16] China, UNDP rebuilds storm-damaged Mozambican infrastructure

Source: Macauhub

12 Representatives of China and the UN Development Programme (UNDP) have turned over to the Mozambican authorities eight schools, three marketplaces, 17 homes and other infrastructure damaged by Cyclone Idai in 2019, which the UNDP has rebuilt with Chinese money, the Chinese Embassy in Maputo says.

Chinese Ambassador to Mozambique Wang Hejun was among the dignitaries that attended the turnover last week either physically or online, according to a written statement issued by his embassy.

The statement quotes a representative of the UNDP as expressing gratitude for the money the Chinese government spent on the rebuilding work.

The representative said the UNDP and China would collaborate in Mozambique in other ways in future.

The infrastructure rebuilt is in Maputo and the central Mozambican province of Sofala, the Chinese Embassy says.