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You are here: HomePortuguese Speaking Countries News[2019-03-20] Angola’s Parliament approves Public-Private Partnerships Law

[2019-03-20] Angola’s Parliament approves Public-Private Partnerships Law

Source: Macauhub

The Angolan parliament on Tuesday approved by a majority the draft Law of Public-Private Partnerships, the Angolan press reported.

The proposed law provides for major government oversight of the implementation of public-private partnerships so that the benefits derived from them serve the interests of the population, Angolan state news agency Angop reported.

The ruling MPLA party said it voted in favour of the bill because it focuses on restructuring the public sector, by using the resources and capacity for financing and management of the private sector, as well as the participation of the private sector in the area of public governance.

In the party’s understanding, public-private partnerships, in the current economic environment, will encourage the private sector to invest in important projects that are feasible and to solve the State’s current lack of financial resources.

The UNITA parliamentary group, which abstained in the vote, said that it believed that, as Angola did not have examples of successful public-private partnerships, it was difficult to assess the advantages and disadvantages of this model.