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You are here: HomeIPIM News[2019/10/19] The 24th Macao International Trade & Investment Fair and the 2019 Portuguese Speaking Countries Products and Services Exhibition (Macao) Concludes with Success

[2019/10/19] The 24th Macao International Trade & Investment Fair and the 2019 Portuguese Speaking Countries Products and Services Exhibition (Macao) Concludes with Success

The 24th Macao International Trade & Investment Fair (24th MIF) and the 2019 Portuguese Speaking Countries Products and Services Exhibition (Macao) (2019PLPEX) successfully concluded today (19 October). During the three-day fairs, a total of 85 contracts were signed and over 400 matching sessions took place at the Business Matching Area. More than 70,000 visitors attended the two fairs in three days, and the number of trade visitors increased by 10% compared with that of last year.

This year’s fairs were in alignment with national development policies, closely following the new trends of international investment. It built a platform for efficient promotion, display, exchange and co-operation for enterprises from China, countries along the Belt and Road, Portuguese-speaking countries and even the rest of the world. In addition to increasing development possibilities for enterprises, the fairs also fully demonstrated the vitality of Macao role’s as a Commercial and Trade Co-operation Service Platform between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries.

The 24th MIF carried on the theme of “Cooperation – Key to Business Opportunities” with an exhibition area of nearly 24,000 square metres and about 1,500 booths. The 2019PLPEX covered an area of roughly 6,000 square metres and offered about 250 booths. The MIF invited Cabo Verde and Jiangsu Province as the “partner country” and “partner province”, each setting up a themed pavilion.

Both of the fairs introduced innovative elements and set up the “Innotech and Startups Zone”, the “Cross-border New Retail Pavilion”, the “Brazilian Products Pavilion” and the “China-Portuguese-Speaking Countries Cooperation Retrospective Exhibition” for the first time. During the three days, they attracted a great many participants to visit and consult.

Supporting activities, including more than 30 forums, conferences and promotional sessions, were available during the two fairs, such as “The 9th Industrial and Commercial Summit between Jiangsu-Macao‧Portuguese Speaking Countries, Jiangsu-Macao-Cabo Verde Co-operation Forum”, the “Fujian, Macao and Portuguese-Speaking Countries Economic Exchange Networking Session”, the “16th World Summit of Chinese Entrepreneurs”, “The 5th Young Entrepreneurs Forum of China and Portuguese-speaking Countries”, and the “Portuguese-speaking Countries Wine and Food Business Matching Seminar”. In addition, the “World Chinese Business & Economic Summit” was also held at the event.

Today is the last day of the two fairs, and a number of exciting activities continued to be held, such as the “Portuguese-speaking Countries Food Tasting”, the “‘Style‧Encounter Moment’ Fashion Parade of the Subsidy Programme for Fashion Design on Sample Making”, and the “PSC Fashion Show”. The bustling scene attracted many traders and citizens to stop and visit. Ms Anaïs Barroso, the representative of a company participating in the “Portuguese-speaking Countries Food Tasting”, said that the platform supported her brand to expand sales channels and improve brand influence in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. Her company was also able to meet with other exhibitors. Ms U, a local visitor, spoke highly of the food tasting activity as it offered various products and information about food from Portuguese-speaking countries.

The “25th Macao International Trade & Investment Fair” and the “2020 Portuguese Speaking Countries Products and Services Exhibition (Macao)” will be held from 22 to 24 October  in 2020.


Many exhibitors successfully expand business opportunities during the fairs


The bustling “Portuguese-speaking Countries Food Tasting”


The “PSC Cultural Performance” and “PSC Fashion Show”


Attendees at the “China-Portuguese-Speaking Countries Cooperation Retrospective Exhibition”


The “Innotech and Startups Zone” showcases intelligent products