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You are here: HomePortuguese Speaking Countries News[2020-05-19] New link to speed data flows among Angola, Brazil and China

[2020-05-19] New link to speed data flows among Angola, Brazil and China

Source: Macauhub

China Telecom Global Ltd and Angola Cables have agreed to increase the capacity of telecommunications connections among China, Angola, and Brazil, the Chinese state-owned enterprise says.

China Telecom Global announced in writing on Thursday that the companies have agreed to set up a fast link via South Africa, namely by using Angola Cables data centres in Africa and South America.

The announcement quotes China Telecom Global managing director for Africa and Middle East, Liu Changhai, as saying the link is meant to help meet growing demand for connectivity among Asia, Africa and South America, to spur business among them.

The link will serve as a more direct route for electronic data sent between Asia and rapidly expanding Latin American markets, the China Telecom announcement Angola Cables Chief Executive António Nunes as saying.