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Brief Introduction of Neimenggu Province – Economic Profile

Brief Introduction of Inner Mongolia – Economic Profile of 2022

Population24.01 Million
GDPUSD 344.32 Billion(YoY+4.2%)
FDIUSD 0.54 Billion(YoY+58.6%)
Total Trade VolumeUSD 22.65 Billion(YoY+23.2%)
Value of ExportsUSD 9.37 Billion(YoY+31.9%)
Value of ImportsUSD 13.28 Billion(YoY+17.8%)
Source: 2022 National Economic and Social Development of Inner Mongolia,

Inner Mongolia Trade in goods with Macao in 2022

FlowUS dollar
Export2.80 million
Import and Export2.80 million
Comment: “export” means Inner Mongolia exports to Macao; “import” means Inner Mongolia imports from Macao.
Source: Customs statistics,

Inner Mongolia Trade in goods with Portuguese-speaking Countries in 2022

Portuguese-speaking Countries Flow US dollar
Angola Export 4.07 million
Import and Export  4.07 million
Brazil Export 182.16 million
Import 26.25 million
Import and Export  208.41 million 
Cape Verde  Export
Import and Export 
Guinea Bissau  Export
Import and Export 
Mozambique Export 7.75 million
Import and Export  7.75 million
Portugal Export 14.16 million
Import 1.95 million
Import and Export  16.11 million
São Tomé and Príncipe  Export
Import and Export 
East Timor  Export
Import and Export 
Comment: “export” means Inner Mongolia exports to Portuguese-speaking Countries; “import” means Inner Mongolia imports from Portuguese-speaking Countries.
Source: Customs statistics,

Update Time: March in 2024