[2019-11-29] Angola’s Biocom produces 110,000 tonnes of sugar in the 2019 campaign
Source: Macauhub
Angolan bioenergy company Biocom has produced 110,000 tonnes of sugar in this campaign from May to November, a percentage increase of 50.6% or 37,000 tonnes compared with the previous campaign, said the Deputy Director-General of the company.
Luís Bagorro Júnior, speaking on the closing day of the 2019 agricultural year, said that 14,000 cubic metres of neutral ethanol and 60,000-megawatt hours of renewable energy were also produced.
The official stressed that the amount of sugar produced had reduced imports by about 35% to cover the needs of the market, which buys 80% of the sugar it consumes abroad.
Bagorro Júnior also said that 1,070 tonnes of sugar cane was processed, which is the raw material used to manufacture sugar, ethanol and energy, in the latter case from biomass.
Biocom, which is located in the Cacuso district, 75 kilometres from Malanje, is one of the largest Angolan agro-industrial projects, led by Brazilian group Odebrecht, which owns 40% of the capital of the company. The remaining 60% of the capital is shared by Angolan private-equity group Cochan, with 40% and Angolan state oil company Sonangol, with 20%.