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Direct Investment Statistics 2018


Information from the Statistics and Census Service (DSEC) indicated that inward direct investment flows in Macao jumped by 662.4% year-on-year to MOP 26.86 billion in 2018, on account of an increase in the profits retained for reinvestment by foreign direct investors in the Gaming sector and Banks. Analysed by industry, inflows of direct investment in the Gaming sector and Financial Activities totalled MOP 19.01 billion and MOP 7.38 billion respectively, while Real Estate Development, Leasing & Sale Activities recorded a negative inflow (-MOP 1.16 billion). Analysed by country/territory of usual residence of direct investors, inward direct investment flows came mainly from the British Virgin Islands (MOP 10.53 billion), mainland China (MOP 5.93 billion), the Cayman Islands (MOP 5.27 billion) and Hong Kong (MOP 4.07 billion).

In 2018, inward direct investment income rose by 18.8% year-on-year to MOP 72.33 billion. Income earned by direct investors in the Gaming sector (MOP 42.57 billion), Financial Activities (MOP 13.62 billion) and the Wholesale & Retail sector (MOP 8.03 billion) grew by 15.0%, 14.5% and 61.4% respectively.

As at the end of 2018, stock of inward direct investment totalled MOP 292.83 billion, up by 9.8% year-on-year; investment stock from Hong Kong (MOP 84.03 billion), the British Virgin Islands (MOP 80.79 billion), mainland China (MOP 51.32 billion) and the Cayman Islands (MOP 46.06 billion) showed respective increases of 6.9%, 14.9%, 9.4% and 9.1%. Analysed by industry, stock of inward direct investment in the Gaming sector rose by 17.7% to MOP 132.52 billion, of which the British Virgin Islands and the Cayman Islands accounted for 43.8% and 32.3% respectively. Investment stock in Financial Activities grew by 8.4% to MOP 73.82 billion, with 57.3% of the capital coming from mainland China. Investment stock in the Wholesale & Retail sector went up by 6.8% to MOP 33.39 billion, of which Hong Kong contributed 57.0%.

Outward direct investment flows of Macao enterprises totalled MOP 2.22 billion in 2018, up by 22.3% year-on-year. Income earned by Macao enterprises rose by 25.0% to MOP 1.95 billion. Analysed by industry of Macao enterprises, investment income in the Gaming and Wholesale & Retail sectors grew by 33.4% and 33.8% to MOP 1.26 billion and MOP 174 million respectively. As at the end of 2018, stock of outward direct investment expanded by 10.1% year-on-year to MOP 27.14 billion. Investment in mainland China totalled MOP 18.66 billion, which was mainly concentrated in Guangdong (MOP 11.85 billion), with Zhuhai taking up 80.9% (MOP 9.58 billion). Besides, investment in Hong Kong amounted to MOP 9.90 billion. Analysed by industry of Macao enterprises, outward direct investment stock in the Gaming sector went up by 20.1% to MOP 6.15 billion, whereas that in Real Estate Development, Leasing & Sale Activities and the Wholesale & Retail sector dropped by 8.0% and 6.6% to MOP 4.12 billion and MOP 3.74 billion respectively.

Direct Investment Statistics provide an analysis of the direct investment profile of Macao with other economies. For statistical purposes, mainland China and Macao are considered as two economies. The statistics covers Macao enterprises engaging in Industrial Production; Construction; Wholesale & Retail; Hotels & Restaurants; Transport, Storage & Communications; Financial Activities; Gaming; Real Estate Development, Leasing & Sale Activities; and Other Services; however, personal investment and investment of enterprises operating in other industries not specified above are excluded. Data on Real Estate Development, Leasing & Sale Activities are included for the first time in the annual report for 2018 and the relevant data for 2017 have been updated.

Related Information: Direct Investment Statistics 2018